

O que é REACH?
O REACH é um regulamento da União Europeia aprovado com o objetivo de melhorar a proteção da saúde humana e do meio-ambiente face aos riscos que podem resultar dos produtos químicos. A palavra REACH significa Registro, Avaliação, Autorização e Restrição de Produtos Químicos (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals). O regulamento entrou em vigor em 1 de Junho de 2007.
A fim de cumprirem o regulamento, as empresas são obrigadas a identificar e gerir os riscos associados às substâncias que produzem e comercializam na União Europeia. Devem demonstrar à ECHA - Agência Europeia de Produtos Químicos, o modo como uma substância pode ser utilizada com segurança e comunicar aos utilizadores as medidas de gestão de riscos.
Como importador, a CBMM Europe BV registrou, perante a ECHA, todas as substâncias importadas cobrindo todos os potenciais usos na Europa, permitindo à Companhia continuar fornecendo para seus clientes.

CBMM Europe BV é o facilitador dos fóruns de intercâmbio de informações e Registrante Principal (“Lead Registrant”) para o nióbio metálico, o óxido de nióbio e o ANO. Mais informações sobre essas substâncias e decisões dos fóruns podem ser encontradas na página internet do REACH-IT.

As fichas de Informação de Segurança de Produtos Químicos (FISPQ), atualizadas de acordo com os regulamentos REACH e CLP (Classificação, Rotulagem e Embalagem), são oferecidos pela CBMM. Esta informação é fornecida para assegurar o manuseio e o uso seguro dos produtos da Companhia.

Links Úteis
Informações adicionais sobre REACH podem ser encontradas nos websites institucionais seguintes:

Enquanto isso, se você tiver dúvidas sobre o registro de produtos CBMM e o REACH, entre em contato com a CBMM Europe BV via e-mail ou pelo telefone +31 (0) 20-881-3140.

Relatórios dos Testes*

Dinobium Pentaoxide
Acute Dermal Irritation_Corrosion
Acute Inhalation Toxicity in Rats
Assessment of Acute Toxic Effects on Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Teleostei Salmonidae Amendmen
Assessment of Toxic Effects on Daphnia magna Using the 48 h Acute Immobilisation Test
Bioconcentration study of ANO in common carp
Bioconcentration study of ANO in common carp amendment
Biodegradation test
In vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Assay in Mouse Lymphoma L5178Y Cells
Metal corrosivity A1400621_0
Reverse Mutation Assay using Bacteria Salmonella typhimurium
Screening for the Eye Irritancy Potential using the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Assay
Test for Sensitisation Local Lymph Node Assay  LLNA
Testing of Effects to the Single Cell Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
Aberration Test in vitro_Nb2O5
Acute Dermal Toxicity_Nb2O5
Acute Oral ToxicityNb2O5 092576A
AnalyticsNb2O5 2009007405
Diniobium pentaoxide 1313-96-8 AcuteInhalation
Diniobium pentaoxide 1313-96-8 AmesTest
Diniobium pentaoxide 1313-96-8 EyeIrritation
Diniobium pentaoxide 1313-96-8 SkinIrritation
Eye Irritancy Potential HETNb2O5 B
FlamabilityNb2O5 S0902888
GranulometryNb2O5 2009007404
In vitro Skin CorrosionNb2O5 2568B
Literature Survey Report - Diniobium pentaoxide
Mutation Assay in vitroNb2O5 092575B
Oxidizing PropertiesNb2O5 S0902889
Sensitization LLNANb2O5 092572B
Sludge RespirationNb2O5 S0902690
Statement AdsordesorNb2O5 S0902686
Water Solubility OECD29Nb2O5 S1002669
Water SolubilityNb2O5 2009007401
Reverse Mutation AssayNb 092573A
Oral Dose Range Finding 14day_Nb2O5 (092768)
Repeated dose toxicity and reproduction_Nb2O5 (092790)
Self Ignition_Nb2O5 (200901118)_A
Aberration Test in vitroNb 092574A
Acute Dermal IrritationNb 092569A
Acute Dermal ToxicityNb 092577A
Acute Eye IrritationNb 092571A
Combined dose study
Eye Irritancy Potential HETNb A
Final_Study Report_Nb bioaccessibility
In vitro Skin CorrosionNb 2568A
Inhalation Study
Literature Survey Report - Niobium
Mutation Assay in vitroNb 092575A
Reverse Mutation AssayNb 092573A
Self ignition
Particle size                     
Self Ignition_Nb (200901121)
Sensitization LLNA_Nb (092572A)
Sieve analysis
Water Solubility OECD29_Nb (S10-02668)
Water Solubility OECD29_Nb (S10-02668)
Water solubility
Water Solubility_Nb (2009_0073_01)
Water solubility2         


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Clause 1 License Terms & Conditions

i. CBMM Europe BV (CBMM) is the owner of the information on niobium contained in these electronic files (the Information). 

ii. You are hereby authorized to download, print or make copies of these electronic files and use the content of these electronic files or of any part of the Information exclusively for your [company’s] internal purposes. Nothing in this disclaimer shall be construed as a transfer of the ownership in the intellectual property rights as listed under Clause 2. 

iii. You may not sell or otherwise exploit these electronic files, or any portion of them, for any other purposes, without express written and prior consent of CBMM.

iv. You may not modify these files. 

v. Any unauthorized use automatically terminates the license granted to you by CBMM under this clause. 

vi. The Information was generated for the purpose of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and the Information has been agreed within the Niobium SIEF. CBMM does not offer any warranties or guarantees concerning the accuracy, the usefulness, validity or completeness of the Information. CBMM is not liable or responsible for errors or omissions in the content of the Information. 

vii. The Information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only, and may not be viewed as scientific advice of any sort. The purpose of this Information does not include providing any scientific recommendations, advice or guidelines for the use of substances or products produced or sold by CBMM, or developed by CBMM, companies affiliated and related to it, licensees or joint venture partners. Information concerning substances or products must be viewed with the necessary reservations and more specifically in reference to the complete data on the method of preparation concerning these products. 

viii. You shall indemnify CBMM against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses suffered or incurred by CBMM arising out of or in connection with your downloading, saving copies, printing or use of the Information, whether such liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses arise following subsequent disclosure by you to any third party or otherwise. 

ix. CBMM is not liable for and shall not indemnify you in any way for any liability, costs, expenses, damages or losses suffered or incurred as the result of the use by you or a third party of the Information. In particular, CBMM shall not be liable for any damage to your computer or electronic device, or for any loss of data caused by your downloading or use of this electronic file. 

x. CBMM does not warrant nor legally represent that your use of the Information does not infringe upon the rights of third parties or that the Information is correct or complete. 

xi. This disclaimer is governed by the laws of the Netherlands. The competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any disputes arising under, or in connection with, this disclaimer. 
Clause 2 Copyright 

i. User acknowledges that all Materials are protected under Copyright Law, and that CBMM exclusively authorizes the personal use of the Materials by the user, being forbidden any form of commercial use, such as the reproduction, the redistribution, the edition, the resale or the creation of derivative works. If the user has an interest in any form of commercial use of the Materials, please send an e-mail to CBMM asking for specific information and/or authorization. 

ii. If you believe that any of the Materials infringe user's copyright, please send an e-mail to CBMM with detailed information identifying the Material and the user's copyright that might have been violated. Please note that we may reproduce the e-mail to the Material's author and to the copyright owner in order to obtain further information on the matter, prior to the decision of either removing the Material or maintaining it on the website. 

iii. The user may quote the Material in any scientific work provided that the user is the author of the scientific work or all the credits are duly mentioned, including information regarding the author, the copyright ownership and the website in which the material can be accessed.